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What are the Galactic Akashic Records?

Ever wonder if you have had incarnations off-earth, say in the galactic, starseed, extraterrestrial or angelic realms? Do you want to reconnect with your star family, or know your starseed origins?

The Galactic Akashic Records give us insight and understanding into your incarnations and connections beyond this earthly dimension. This can include your past and parallel lives in other star systems, planets, galaxies, dimensions and universes.

We are much more multidimensional than we have been taught, and there are many dimensions and realms of beings existing right here in this now moment. Allison has a gift for tuning into your starseed origins and galactic connections. She will read your galactic history, and connect that information to your current life experiences and challenges, to provide a full spectrum healing.

For Starseeds, sometimes the challenges you face in your current human lives have origins rooted in your off-earth incarnations. In your Galactic Akashic Session, Allison will use Reiki and other healing modalities to assist you in the healing, clearing and integrating of past life wounds that originated off-earth.

Additionally, many of your spiritual and healing gifts originated in your off-earth journeys that are now ready to be activated and used to help heal humanity! Allison will read your unique gifts in the Galactic Akashic Records, and assist you in empowering them.

What is a Starseed?

Starseed is a modern term for humans living on earth today, whose soul first incarnated or originated off-earth.

For example, when your soul first sparked from Source, you may have incarnated first as an angel, a star being/extra-dimensional, fairy, elemental, and/or have lived out one or several incarnations on another planet, star system, dimension or realm. Your Galactic Akashic Reading will reveal the inter-dimensional realms you are connected to!

As a Starseed, you voluntarily came to earth with a mission to help create positive changes for humanity. You may be currently experiencing your first incarnation as a human being on earth, or you may have had a few human lives, or you may have had several human lives. The Galactic Akashic Records will reveal what is accurate for you. In all cases, Starseeds are empaths and they have special sensitivities to the dense energies of the earth, as they are more accustomed to the lighter and higher frequency realms they came from. For example, crowded rooms may disturb and upset your emotional energy. Allison will address your unique starseed sensitivities, help you strengthen yourself, and empower you to utilize them for what they are meant for - these are your healing gifts to humanity!

Allison is a highly-skilled and advanced Reiki Master Teacher and Akashic Records Intuitive of 17 years. She will gently and compassionately guide you in this session toward empowerment, better health, happiness and spiritual transformation.

Benefits of a Galactic Akashic Records Session Include:

★Discover your Starseed origins
★Reconnect with your overSoul Star Family
★Unlock the spiritual gifts you have from your galactic past lives
★Clear energy and transmute wounds that originated off-earth that are still affecting your current life today
★Receive an energy transmission and activation from your star guides
★Activate your soul/life purpose
★Be an ambassador for world change and universal peace
★We will also address your Earth Akashic Records & any challenges you face in your current human incarnation

Allison is a gifted healer. I experienced a total energy shift and learned a lot about myself. I was provided with tools to restore balance which I continue to use today.
— Julia

Allison Eaton is a Reiki Master, Akashic Intuitive and Spiritual Teacher of 17 years. As a Starseed, Allison has been channeling the galactic guides and angels since childhood, and they are an integral part of her spiritual practices and intuitive healings. Allison’s wise, highly intuitive and compassionate guidance helps you align with the most empowered version of yourself, and to re-align you with the unconditional love and joy that you are.

“I look forward to sharing the love and wisdom of the
Galactic Akashic Records with you!”